Rookie Rise Blog

Rookie Rise Comes To Life As An Official Character!

Rookie Rise Comes To Life As An Official Character!

Authored By Edgar Mora

If you follow Rookie Rise on Instagram @RookieRise then you would have seen that I promised to post the official mascot for Rookie Rise. This is the first themed mascot look that will be an official Rookie Rise T-shirt design. The "Rookie Mcfly" Tee Coming Soon. You can expect to see many other themes to come along the way. I hope to get a comic going with this as well once I find time to get around to it. If you have any suggestions for themes to go with the Rookie Rise mascot, comment below. Here's the art process, scroll down to see the completed look.


I ususally design from the the face down, but I had to get these shoes on point.


Once the lower body was dialed, I went to town on the hoverboard and jacket. The part that took the longest though was that hand that's tucked behind the coat a bit. It took me about 15 minutes to finally get the lines just the way the way I wanted them. My OCD kicked in on that one.


If you didn't know why the logo doesn't show any detail when it comes to a nose or mouth. It's because I wanted the logo to hold a mysterious look about it. The seriousness that we fall into when that 200% dedication feeling kicks in. The logo has a stern look so I had to stay true to it.


Finally, I added the sunglasses and crown. There you have it, Rookie Rise is finally brought into full character...

official mascot look

There you have it. The Official Rookie Rise Mascot "Rookie Mcfly" Theme.





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