Pogs Over Ipads
I remember my childhood like it was yesterday. My friends and I would roam the streets until the street lamps started to flicker on. Once our curfews were up, we would always dread having to return indoors. Inside wasn't so bad though. We always had stuff to do. I couldn't imagine what kids would be doing today if they didn't have access to an Ipad filled with video game apps. We weren't spoiled with amazing gadgets like kids are today. We made the best of what we had though. Someone with a huge brain, invented these cardboard coins that had images printed on them. Most of the images were usually 8 balls, skulls and dice. I'm talking about Pogs. I was a huge Pog collector. I had multiple tubes filled with them. I'm not sure if anyone ever really knew how to correctly play "POGS" But it didn't matter. Our only goal was to have more than our other friends. If that meant buying a 20 foot pog tube, although we could only fill it a 8th of the way full, so be it. At least we looked cool. We would sit on the ground for hours, trying to get those cardboard coins to flip over. We didn't need a 400 dollar device filled with video games to get by, we got satisfication from simple things. Who would have thought that these things would fill our living room floor every night?
For all of you who were just like me and played pogs without knowing the rules. I posted a picture below that explains how the game should have been played.